When it comes to health and fitness – K.I.S.S

When it comes to health and fitness – K.I.S.S

I get messages daily from ladies online and at my gym about all sorts of aspects on health and fitness. I know how overwhelming it can be with everyone punting a different way to live healthy and lose weight. People talk about Banting, carb cycling, low carb, no carb,...
DNA Testing – Getting to know me better

DNA Testing – Getting to know me better

Since starting on this path of a healthier lifestyle almost ten years ago now, I have got to know my body really well. I’d like to think I know what works for it and what doesn’t both nutritionally and fitness related. So when I got the opportunity to have a deeper...
Exercise: Ten reasons to move OTHER than weight loss

Exercise: Ten reasons to move OTHER than weight loss

Have you ever noticed when someone brings up the topic of exercise in a conversation, it is inevitably followed by lamenting on the amount of weight needed to lose to reach that “ideal physique”. This seems to be the main reason most people exercise – purely to lose...
FABUFIT GYM: Why I decided to start my own gym

FABUFIT GYM: Why I decided to start my own gym

HOW IT ALL BEGAN I’ll never forget the day the word ‘Fabufit’ popped into my mind. It was well over five years ago when it just came to me just after another workout like an epiphany. At this stage I had lost 15 kilos of unwanted fat and was feeling so proud of what I...
Conscious Parenting: Being a cool mom & dad

Conscious Parenting: Being a cool mom & dad

Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece and is not intended to attack anyone’s style of parenting, but merely to present what we as new parents are considering to adopt with our son. We hope that it perhaps adds something valuable to your parenting style.   Ok, now that...