Exercise: Ten reasons to move OTHER than weight loss

Exercise: Ten reasons to move OTHER than weight loss

Have you ever noticed when someone brings up the topic of exercise in a conversation, it is inevitably followed by lamenting on the amount of weight needed to lose to reach that “ideal physique”. This seems to be the main reason most people exercise – purely to lose...
Why I hate the word ‘diet’

Why I hate the word ‘diet’

I realise that ‘hate’ is a very strong word to use, but in this situation I use it to it fullest capacity (if that even makes sense!). I absolutely HATE the word ‘diet’, I hate was it is, I hate what it signifies, I hate how it builds up false...
How to choose a personal trainer

How to choose a personal trainer

This is a topic I have been meaning to write about for a very long time. It pains me to sometimes see people paying a premium to a personal trainer that is not really even that good or worse – not even focused on their client during a session. All too often I see...
Are you breathing correctly during exercise?

Are you breathing correctly during exercise?

Breathing is an involuntary bodily function, however during exercise one’s breathing plays an integral role in getting the most out of your workout. The way in which you breath during working out can change and sometimes hinder or help the way you get through...
Why you need to stretch

Why you need to stretch

On Saturday 17 June, it was International Yoga Day, and it got me thinking about stretching and flexibility and the fact that while so many people have embraced the amazing benefits of yoga, many still do not see the importance of stretching. After all, stretching is...